Singing Guide: Trevor Thomson

Singing Guide: Trevor Thomson

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Trevor Thomson is known for his emotive ballads and soulful songwriting that inspire and encourage listeners. If you want to learn how to sing like Trevor Thomson, you ought to engage his unique vocal skills and singing style. This guide offers tips and techniques on how to sing like Trevor Thomson, relevant Singing Carrots resources, and selected songs that showcase his emotive ballad singing style.

Trevor Thomson Vocal Technique

Trevor Thomson often uses a range of vocal techniques to deliver his music with meaning and heartfelt emotion. His singing style covers ranges with a taste of rock, folk, and contemporary pop. Here are some of Trevor Thomson's vocal techniques that you need to adopt to sing like him:

Emotional singing

For Trevor Thomson, singing isn't only about the lyrics or melody, but it's also about conveying feelings through sound. He employs a lot of emotional singing to evoke an emotional response in his audience. When singing like Trevor Thomson, you should strive to sing with passion and emotions.


Trevor Thomson's expressive singing style is another hallmark of his unique voice. He doesn't sing with a flat voice but rather using dynamic singing, involving changes in volume, tone, and pitch, to add emotion and emphasize significant moments in his music. When singing like Trevor Thomson, you should practice proper voice control with dynamic singing.


Trevor Thomson's music employs belting, a vocal technique that entails projecting higher notes with passion and control. Belting is a staple technique in Trevor Thomson's music; he uses the sound to evoke an emotional response and create an impactful moment. When singing like Trevor Thomson, you should incorporate belting techniques in your style to help convey the necessary sentiments within your music.

Vocal Exercises

Singing like Trevor Thomson: Tips and advice

Analyze Trevor Thomson's voice

To sing like Trevor Thomson, you must first understand what makes his voice unique. Analyze his songs to learn how he uses his vocal range, instilling emotions, and general singing techniques.

Breathing Techniques

Breathing techniques are a fundamental aspect of singing. Focusing on proper breathing will help you to manage your respiratory system and deliver a powerful sound when singing like Trevor Thomson. Refer to Singing Carrots' breathing basics article Breathing basics.


Before singing, it's essential to engage in some vocal warm-ups, which help you to extend your range, loosen up your vocal cords, and condition your voice. Try the humming vocal exercise, as preferred by Trevor Thomson, and many other singers. Alternatively, use the Yo-Lips, Tongue Twisters, or Arpeggios.

Learn Trevor Thomson's songs

Learning, practicing, and performing Trevor Thomson's songs can help you develop the necessary vocal range, emotions, and techniques to sing like him. Here are some songs that showcase his emotive ballad singing style for you to start with:

  • Rooted
  • Giants
  • Onward
  • Alive Again

Refer to Sing Carrots` song search to find Trevor Thomson's songs' chords, sheet music, karaoke backing tracks, and lyrical annotations.

Vocal Health

Singing, like any other muscles in our body, requires proper care to prevent vocal damage. You can follow Singing Carrots' vocal health tips in their blog post to maintain vocal health.


Sing like Trevor Thomson, and develop the necessary vocal techniques by practicing regularly

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.